Event Details
- Prepare IFRS-compliant financial statements.
- Learn IFRS presentation and disclosure requirements.
- Implement IFRS recognition and measurement rules for assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses.
- Develop a plan for transitioning to IFRSs.
- Identify impact of upcoming changes in IFRSs.
- Network and share experience with participants from across the world.
- Introduction to IFRSs
- Standard Setting and Due Process
- IASB’s Conceptual Framework
- Fair value measurement (IFRS 13)
- Presentation and Disclosure in IFRS Financial Statements
- Presentation of financial statements (IAS 1)
- Statement of cash flows (IAS 7)
- Accounting policies, changes in accounting estimates and errors (IAS 8)
- Discontinue doperations (IFRS 5)
- Events after the reporting period (IAS 10)
- Operating segments (IFRS 8)
- Related party disclosures (IAS 24)
- Earnings per share (IAS 33)
- Interim financial reporting (IAS 34)
- Non-financial Assets
- Inventories (IAS 2)
- Property, plant & equipment (IAS 16)
- Borrowing costs (IAS 23)
- Intangible assets (IAS 38)
- Investment property (IAS 40)
- Impairment of assets (IAS 36)
- Non-current assets held for sale (IFRS 5)
- Liabilities
- Leases (IFRS 16)
- Employee benefits (IAS 19)
- Provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets (IAS 37)
- Share-based payment (IFRS 2)
- Financial Instruments
- Presentation (IAS 32)
- Recognition and measurement (IFRS 9 and IAS 39)
- Disclosure (IFRS 7)
- Income Taxes
- Income taxes (IAS 12, IFRIC 23)
- Revenue Recognition
- Revenue from Contracts with Customers (IFRS 15)
- Foreign Currency
- The effects of changes in foreign exchange rates (IAS 21)
- Transitioning to IFRSs
- First-time adoption of IFRSs (IFRS 1)
- Expected Future Developments
- IASB Work Plan
Accountants, Controllers, Managers of Fixed Assets, Divisional and Plant Managers and all Executives involved in Fixed Asset Accounting and Administration.
The training methodology combines lectures, discussions, group exercises and illustrations. Participants will gain both theoretical and practical knowledge of the topics. The emphasis is on the practical application of the topics and as a result participant will go back to the workplace with both the ability and the confidence to apply the techniques learned to their duties.
This course is available in the following locations:
Ghana - $6000
Rwanda - $7000
UK - $8000
USA - $8000