Event Details
At the end of this training, participants will:
- Acquire an understanding of the fundamentals of effective management of cash flow, including the optimisation of the level of working capital
- Develop practical experience of how to manage cash flow and optimise working capital to facilitate such delivery in real life business situations
- Increase personal financial skill levels
- Develop confidence through understanding the major drivers of successful financial performance
- Learn a number of technical skills, all of which lead to the ability to calculate the required figures and implement them into value adding business decisions
- Recognise the roles, responsibilities, tools and strategies associated with treasury management, including international best practices and procedures
- Improve financial management skills in terms of managing assets and liabilities liquidity issues
- Discuss the various types of risks associated with global organisations, namely interest, exchange, credit and commodity pricing risks and identifying sources and methodologies of risk management in attending to these types of risks
- Examine the nature, risk and utilisation of financial derivatives in addressing financial risks
- Appreciate the basic concepts of cash management in order to enhance organisational cash flows and maximise portfolio investment returns
An Overview of Treasury Management
- Market volatility – establishing the need for effective treasury management
- The strategic role and scope of treasury management
- The role and functions of Asset and Liabilities Committee (“ALCO”) and other risk related committees
- Portfolio management, trading and settlement, including proprietary trading
- Establishing a treasury function along with developing a risk management strategy
- Regulation, including the international regulatory framework
Accounting for Cash and Performance
- A Performance Management Model
- The Financial Language
- Accounting Basics from source documents to the General Ledger
- Cash Flow and Working Capital
- Key Financial Statements
- Cash vs. Profit
- Using financial statement to manage cash and working capital
Measuring and Improving Performance
The Impact of Inflation on Financial Performance
- Measuring Performance: Ratios and KPIs
- Benchmarking of Performance
- Ratios for Cash and Working Capital Management
- Basics of Working Capital Management
- Credit Risk Management
- Financial Modelling for Cash and Working Capital Management
- Spreadsheet Modelling and Tools and Approaches
Optimisation of Working Capital
Optimisation not Minimization
- Key Issues
- Stock
- Debtors
- Creditors
- Stores
- Settlement Options
- The Cost of Working Capital
- Long term
- Short term
- Practical Examples
Strategic Cash Management
- Cash & Cost modelling
- The Time Value of Money and Discounted Cash Flow (DCF)
- Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
- The Key Investment Indicators
- Defining the Right Base Case, Sensitivity and Risk Analysis
- Treatment of Working Capital
- Valuing Companies and Acquisitions
- The Drivers of Value
- Delivering Project Value
Cash Management Best Practices and Techniques
- Preparing and understanding cash flow statements and financial forecasts
- Analysing and evaluating financial statements, including the use of ratio analysis
- Liquidity management
- Transfer pricing policies, including effective documentation techniques
- Netting and pooling concepts – treasury and cash management within multinational organizations
- A summary overview of the concepts of investment risks and portfolio investment returns
Cashiers, Cash Officers, Treasurers, Accountants, Auditors, Administrators and other officers who handle cash directly or in supervisory capacity in Public and Private Sectors.
The training methodology combines lectures, discussions, group exercises and illustrations. Participants will gain both theoretical and practical knowledge of the topics. The emphasis is on the practical application of the topics and as a result participant will go back to the workplace with both the ability and the confidence to apply the techniques learned to their duties.
This course is available in the following locations:
Ghana - $6000
Rwanda - $7000
UK - $8000
USA - $8000