Event Details
- Understand the legal requirement of scheduled waste identification, storage, labeling, handling and disposal.
- Implement the proper procedures in handling of scheduled waste
- Importance of MSDS at workplace
- How to use the MSDS to avoid situations, which might result in a hazardous exposure.
- Manage the proper use of Personal Protective Equipment
- Implement proper techniques to handle, control and prevent spills
- What is Scheduled Wastes
- Definition
- Hazardous/Scheduled Waste Characteristics & Properties
- Ignitability
- Corrosivity
- Reactivity
- Toxicity
- Identification & Classification of Scheduled Wastes
- Overview of Environmental Quality (Scheduled Wastes) Regulation 2005
- Notification of the generation of scheduled waste
- Disposal of Scheduled Wastes
- Treatment of Scheduled Waste
- Responsibility of waste generator
- Packaging, Labeling and Storage practices
- Treatment/Recovery on-site, or safely delivered and received at prescribed premises
- Storage of Scheduled Waste
- Inventory of Scheduled Waste
- Scheduled Waste Tracking & Monitoring
- Consignment Note
- E-Consignment Note
- Retention period of consignment records
- Information to be provided to the wastes transporter
- Spill or accidental discharge of Scheduled waste & handling procedures
- Training for employees involved in the following scheduled waste management procedures:
- Identification
- Handling
- Labeling
- Transportation
- Storage
- Spillage or discharge response
Operation/Production Managers, Technicians, Machine Operators, Supervisors, Directors, and others who are involved in the day to day activities in the manufacturing sector.
The training methodology combines lectures, discussions, group exercises and illustrations. Participants will gain both theoretical and practical knowledge of the topics. The emphasis is on the practical application of the topics and as a result participant will go back to the workplace with both the ability and the confidence to apply the techniques learned to their duties.