Event Details
Pumps and compressors are generally critical machines in any production process and hence it is vital that maintenance is most effective for these units. This workshop is to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of how to use a predictive and preventive maintenance approach to achieve maximum reliability and greatest understanding of any deterioration that may occur.
Challenges of Machines
- Friction, Lubrication and wear mechanisms
- Adhesive wear, Abrasive wear, fatigues and fretting
- Machinery life cycle
- Mechanical issues balancing and alignment
- Statistical reliability analysis
- Vibration monitoring
- Overall and spectral measurements
- Vibration limits
- Introduction to spectrum analysis
- Lubricant monitoring
- Shape, size, amount, chemical composition of debris
- Analytical techniques
- Reliability models
- Looseness
- Misalignment
- Gear problems
- Bearing problem
- Cavitations, causes and prevention
Troubleshooting II
- Anti- friction bearings: Types,
- Lifetime, Mounting, Application and Related Problems
- Mechanical seals, types, operations and problems
Other seals for position displacement pumps and reciprocating compressors
- Performing a balance
- Plain and red bearings
- Measurements desire and what to monitor
- The importance of plant inspection
Works, Services and Maintenance Personnel
The training methodology combines lectures, discussions, group exercises and illustrations. Participants will gain both theoretical and practical knowledge of the topics. The emphasis is on the practical application of the topics and as a result participant will go back to the workplace with both the ability and the confidence to apply the techniques learned to their duties.
This course is available in the following locations:
Nigeria - $3500
Ghana - $6500
Rwanda - $7500
UK - $8500
USA - $8500