Event Details
- Discuss dynamics of flood risk in a changing climate
- Evaluate the extent of flood risk and vulnerability and assess the capacity to response
- Develop comprehensive strategies for flood risk management in a changing climate
- Apply climate smart structural and non-structural measures for flood risk mitigation
- Develop preparedness and response plans for effective flood risk reduction
- Integrate flood recovery programs with flood risk management strategies
- Address cross-cutting issues in flood risk management
- Terminologies in disaster risk management
- Hydro-meteorological hazards, their formation and predictability
- Flood disaster
- Natural catastrophes occurrence
Climate Change and Impending Flood Risk
- Climate change and global warming
- Interventions under challenging circumstances of climate change
- Developing climate outlook/scenario and finding option for adaptation to climate change
Flood Risk Assessment
- Principles and aspects of flood assessment
- Process of flood vulnerability and capacities assessment
- Process of flood risk assessment
- Community-based flood risk assessment
Flood Risk Mitigation
- Flood plain management for flood risk mitigation
- Tools for flood plan management
- Climate smart structural interventions
- Flood-proofing in a multi-hazard environment
- Integrated watershed management in a changing climate
- Urban and rural development planning for flood risk reduction
- Public awareness and capacity building for flood risk reduction
Flood Disaster Preparedness and Response Planning Process
- Flood disaster preparedness framework
- Flood Contingency Planning Process
- Flood forecasting and early warning systems
- Flood emergency management
- Flood evacuation process
- Flood search and rescue
Flood Recovery Planning & Implementation
- Planning & implementation
- Flood damage and need assessment
- Sustainable recovery programs
Crosscutting Issues
- Economics of flood risk management
- Financial tools for flood risk reduction
- Relevant issues on trans-boundary governance and gender
The training methodology combines lectures, discussions, group exercises and illustrations. Participants will gain both theoretical and practical knowledge of the topics. The emphasis is on the practical application of the topics and as a result participant will go back to the workplace with both the ability and the confidence to apply the techniques learned to their duties.
This course is available in the following locations:
Nigeria - $3500
Ghana - $6500
Rwanda - $7500
UK - $8500
USA - $8500