Event Details
This Pension Scheme Governance & Regulation training will provide advanced knowledge and management tools needed for the effective oversight and administration of publicly funded or partially funded pension plans. This program will help to modernize these plans and their associated pension funds in an environment of changing economic and social circumstances and new regulatory and accounting initiatives.
After attending this program, participants will learn about:
- Understand the importance of pension governance, types, designs and fundamentals of pension schemes
- Appreciate the duties and management function of trustees
- Analyze Pension scheme management performance indicators
- Appreciate the importance of performance evaluation of trustees of pension schemes in enhancing governance
- Assess the risks pension funds are exposed to and the need of effective risk management
- Introduction to Pension Funds and Global Pension Crisis
- Financial Mechanisms & Pension Plan Design; Different types of Pension Schemes
- Costs of Funding Pension Schemes; Pension Fund Deficit, Sovereign Debt & Default Risk
- Longevity, Dependency Rations, Real & Nominal Returns
- Defined Benefits and Defined Contribution Schemes
- Insurance Mechanisms and External Guarantees
- Pensions Fund and Its Parties: trustees, sponsors, actuaries, consultants & investment managers
- Asset Allocation, Capital Structure and Financial Risk
- Sources of Wealth in Pensions Funds; creating value in Pension Funds
- Different Types of Pension Schemes
- Pension Fund Asset-Liability Management, Tools & Modelling
- Pensions Funding Policies
- Portfolio Rebalancing, Asset Allocation and risk management
- Actuarial Considerations, Scheme Design & Annuity Market
- Reviewing benchmarks and Performance Assessment
- Pension Risk Management, Reporting and Governance
- Regulatory Practices and Decision Making in DB Plans
Fund managers, Pension regulators, Policymakers, Trustees, Administrators, Advisors, Custodians, CEOs, Human resource managers, Directors and Pension principal officers.
The training methodology combines lectures, discussions, group exercises and illustrations. Participants will gain both theoretical and practical knowledge of the topics. The emphasis is on the practical application of the topics and as a result participant will go back to the workplace with both the ability and the confidence to apply the techniques learned to their duties.
This course is available in the following locations:
Nigeria - $3000
Ghana - $6000
Rwanda - $7000
UK - $8000
USA - $8000