Event Details
Safety risk management is a key component of a successful organisation that deals with or is exposed to hazardous environments or equipment. It is crucial to such organisations that risks, and safety aspects are evaluated and monitored continuously in a structured manner.
Upon completing this Safety Risk Management Training successfully, participants will be able to:
- Recognise the purpose and benefits of risk and safety management
- Classify and document potential and actual hazards related to facilities and equipment
- Employ the principles of hazard identification and risk assessment to processes and machinery
- Understand the concepts and use of reliability and failure tracing methods
- Display a practical understanding of quantitative risk assessment techniques
- Advise management on the most effective control methods based on your risk assessments
- Identify and comply with the relevant international standards for dependability and machinery safety
- Introduction to Safety Risk Management
- Why Do We Need Safety Engineering?
- Examples of Major Disasters
- The Safety System Process
Safety Culture
- Safety Culture and Human Factors
- Negative and Positive Dimensions
- Taylor, Herzberg, McGregor, and Maslow’s Theories
- Natural Penalties and Consequences
- What drives behaviour?
Elements of a Safety Management System
- Types of Safety Management Systems
- Core Elements of Safety Management Systems
- Proactive and Reactive Monitoring of Performance
- Measurement Techniques
- Competencies for Auditors
- Audits and their Critical Components
Hazard Identification
- Hazard Identification
- Hazard Control
- Criteria for Risk Tolerability
- Hazard Identification Techniques
- Design Out Hazards
- Safety Standards Codes, National and International
- Safety Analysis in Engineering
- Safety Analysis in Chemical Process
- Safety Analysis in Manufacturing
Risk Assessment Techniques
- Safety Management
- Safety in System Life Cycle
- Hazard Identification Checklist
- Process, Workplace, Work Equipment Risk Assessment
- Task-based Risk Assessment
- Introduction to HAZOP
Machinery and Work Equipment Safety
- Machinery Hazard Identification
- Causes and Procedures for Machinery Accident Prevention
- HAZOP Examples
- Failure Modes
- Human Factors in Software Safety
- Conducting a Failure Mode Analysis
- Performance and Human Error
- Human Factors and Safety Analysis
Reliability Technology
- Types and Causes of Failures
- Methods of Preventing Failure
- Types of Maintenance and Inspection Regimes
- Reliability of Components and Systems
- Design and Reliability of Control Systems
- Design and Reliability of Protective Systems
- The Concept of ‘HIPS’
- Safety Integrity Levels ‘SIL’ Selection
Consequences Analysis
- Dispersion Modelling Software
- Types of Fire
- Flash
- Jet
- Cascading Fires
- Types of Explosions
- Quantification of Risk
- Event Tree Analysis (ETA)
This Training Course is suitable for Plant engineers, Industrial safety and health inspectors, Trainers of industrial safety and health inspectors, Engineers, HSE personnel, Maintenance personnel, Employee representatives, Human resources professionals. Line managers, Supervisors, Team leaders, and all professionals who play a role in ensuring the safe operation of a potentially hazardous workplace
The training methodology combines lectures, discussions, group exercises and illustrations. Participants will gain both theoretical and practical knowledge of the topics. The emphasis is on the practical application of the topics and as a result participant will go back to the workplace with both the ability and the confidence to apply the techniques learned to their duties.
This course is available in the following locations:
Nigeria - $3000
Ghana - $6500
Rwanda - $7500
UK - $8500
USA - $8500